Sunday, February 6, 2011

Devlin Freestyle

We got another quick freestyle from Devlin over in the UK. This man just keeps coming with quality bars no matter what song he is on. I haven’t heard that many songs of his or songs that he is featured on that he doesn’t try hard on.

Here are some of his bars from the freestyle in case you weren’t able to get past his thick cockney accent:

I roll on the road like a tire on the street/
Im fire on the beat/
And im im goin out all guns blazin/
Like the guy from the film with a slice on his cheek/ (Scarface)
Iv’e got a guarantee that im always on my toes/
So you be dead by the time you rise from your seat/
A demonstration of forward planning/
Im predictin an awkward landin/
When I strangle a man and dangle his corpse from a fourth floor landin/

Speaking of language barriers, it was hard to figure out what these UK rappers where saying in their rhymes when I first came across the grime scene. But after time I was able to figure out all the slang words that I had never heard before and it occurred to me that once I got past that small barrier the grime artists were as deserving to be signed to huge record deals just as much as rappers from the states.

This is a short post because there really isn’t much more to say. Devlin is cold and he demonstrates that in this short freestyle. If only rappers from the states would come with constant music on YouTube for my listening pleasure but I don’t see that happening any time soon.

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